Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 27: Shoeshine

Awhile back I was browsing another blog that started as a project to do something new everyday called In the New and I saw that one of the things she did was shine her shoes with a banana peel. I have never heard of doing such a thing so the idea stayed with me and I just had to try it.

It was a bit odd rubbing banana peel gook on my shoes but they did shine up quite nicely. I shine them so rarely that just wiping the salt off is an improvement in itself, but I did find that the banana peel appeared to work. I finished the shine using a cheesecloth to wipe off any pieces of banana that had stuck to the shoe in the process.

I also had some fun arranging and photographing the shoes. Since I don't really know what I'm doing, I could fiddle with that kind of thing for hours.

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