Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 29: UX4good

I had the good fortune of being invited to the cocktail party type event at the closing of UXXU 2011. The event grouped UX designers, non-profit executives and creative sparks into think-tank type teams to find creative solutions to large complex social problems. (Described in their own words: This approach to brainstorming or innovation is not new, I even work with women who are expert facilitators of Ideation processes. What was new to me was the grand approach of pooling a wide variety of resources, including people from very different fields, and using creative problem solving techniques to fix broken social systems. I got inspired and filled with lots of good ideas at the UXXU 2011 closing reception.

From my opinion the Cease Fire group did a really fabulous job identifying what ways the average person can help cub violence, what type of resources are needed to facilitate the great work Cease fire organization is currently doing and what other services the community needs to help address the problem long-term. I will definitely start following their work.

I’m sure there will be video of the presentations as well as of parts of the process.

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